Please read our policies with great care. First Step Learning Centre mandatory policies are in-place to protect the health and safety of all children in our child care center.
There is a one-time initial enrollment fee due with your first tuition payment.
Tuition is due in advance on each Monday of care. Tuition not paid by Tuesday at the close of business will be charged a late fee of $25/day.
We accept cash, check and most major credit cards for payment.
First Step Learning Centre requires two weeks' written notice when you withdraw your child. If not given, you are financially responsible for the two weeks of tuition.
Supply Fees are billed quarterly in March, June, September and December in the amount of $150
This is a required fee for all those enrolled and is used to replenish supplies, games, toys and learning materials.
Our holiday schedule is posted at the front of the childcare centre office. There is NOT a reduction in weekly tuition over weeks with holidays.
When a holiday falls on a weekend, we will close either the Friday or Monday in observance of the holiday.
Discipline consists of positive reinforcement only. The use of physical punishment is absolutely prohibited. The director will contact the parent in the event a child’s behavior is concerning. It is our hope a solution can satisfactorily be reached between FSLC and the parent.
We do not offer transportation at First Step Learning Centre.
After lunch, a nap time is mandatory for all children. For the health and safety of the children, we provide a sheet in the infant class only; no blankets are permitted. The size must be small enough to fit into a standard pillow case provided by the parent. Blankets must be taken home on Friday for laundering without exception.
Fire Drills are performed once monthly and severe weather drills are performed four (4) times annually. This is to acquaint your child with the evacuation procedures.
The school’s director or teacher must notify CPS or the local law enforcement officials by telephone when it appears that a child is being neglected or abused away from childcare.
We do not offer field trips at FSLC.
We supply each child breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack. Our menu is posted by the reception desk. All menus meet the USDA guidelines. Any specific dietary restrictions for health or religious reasons will be honored upon notification in writing of parent to the director at the time of enrollment.
School pictures are taken two-three times per year. There is NO charge at the time of the photo session. The purchase of the photographs is optional.
According to the IRS, childcare expenses for working parents is tax deductible. A statement of your payments will be given to parents by January 31 for the preceding year of service. Please obtain your tax information at the time of withdrawal. Records on in-house computers are deleted and forwarded to FSLC's accountant at the time of the child’s withdraw. It is your responsibility to keep these records in a safe place. Duplicates are unavailable.
Children will be released only to the persons listed as an approved pickup with ID verified upon their first pickup/drop off.
We follow the Dallas Independent School District (DISD) for Inclement Weather and School Closures. You can find our inclement weather policy here.
All medications given to a child at childcare must be authorized by written statement from the parent or physician. All prescription medications must be in their original container indicating the child’s name, type, date of prescribed medication and the amount of dosage. All medications must go home daily, per state licensing. Over the counter medications will be given according to the labeled dosage only and must be plainly labeled with child’s name and taken home each day per state licensing. NO medications can be measured in advance or put into baby bottles. We administer medications at 11am and 3pm ONLY, except in specific health care issues.
Medications not taken home daily must be destroyed. We must call you daily after dosage is given for any medication that is required (unless a written statement notes that daily notification is unnecessary).
A statement signed by your child’s physician will certify that the child has currently been examined and is able to participate in childcare activities. Immunization records must be kept updated.
Your child’s health is very important to us. If your child becomes ill while at childcare, you will be notified. Please promptly pick up your child.
We ask that if your child is ill with a fever greater than 100.2°, please do not bring them to childcare.
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